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For questions about the First-Year Scholars at Yale program:

Who is involved with FSY? 

The First-Year Scholars at Yale (FSY) Program is led by an Advisory Committee comprised of faculty and staff from across Yale University, reflecting Yale's broader mission to support its FGLI students.

2025 Committee members include: 

Sara Spear - Director of Academic Affairs and Director of FSY, Yale Summer Session  **Sara serves as the primary contact for FSY inquiries (

Alexander Rosas – Dean of International and Summer Programs, Chair of FSY Advisory Committee

Kelly Wilcox - Program Coordinator

Karin Gosselink – Assistant Dean of Office of Educational Opportunity (OEO), Director of Academic Strategies Program

Josh Faires - Assistant Director for FGLI Student Success 

Heather Klemann – Yale English 114 Director

John Hall –  Director of QR courses, Math instructor

Albert Laguna – FSY Faculty Director, Associate Professor of Ethnicity, Race & Migration and American Studies

Burgwell Howard – Associate Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Student Engagement

Melanie Boyd – Yale College Dean of Students and Senior Associate Dean

Earle Lobo – Assistant Director, Student Conduct and Program Manager for Student Affairs

Lynda Paul – Associate Director, Undergraduate Writing and Tutoring and Academic Strategies Program

Dara Norwood – Associate Director of Admissions

Moira Poe – Senior Assistant Director of Undergraduate Admissions

Residential Staff 2024

In addition to the committee members above who are involved with FSY year-round, the FSY program annually hires around 20 Yale student leaders who serve as residential directors and counselors during the six-week program.

Check out the bios for the 2024 Residential Staff! 

Quote: Thank you for all that you have done. I know my decision to come to Yale was the right one because of the FSY Program!"